Minggu, 08 Juni 2014

Membuat kalimat

Membuat kalimat dari kata yang sudah ditentukan dan harus menggunakan kata (cat, can't. should, shouldn't)

1.        Can
You are can read a book in the Library. >> You are allowed read a book in the Library
You are can learn history in Museums of Jakarta. >> You are allowed learn history in Museums of Jakarta.
You are can play in the garden at the holiday Park. >> You are allowed play in the garden at the holiday Park.
We are  can eat in the Restaurant at any time. >> We are  allowed eat in the Restaurant at any time.
We are  can shop for clothes at the Mall. >> We are allowed shop for clothes at the Mall.

2.        Should
You should be diligent to go to Library. >> You expected to be diligent to go to Library.
You should learn history in Museums. >> you expected to learn history in Museums.
You should keep the Park clean. >> You expected to keep the Park clean.
If you are hungry, you should eat in a Restaurant. >> If you are hungry, you expected to eat in a Restaurant.
If there is a discount, you should shop at the Mall. >> If there is a discount, you expected to shop at the Mall.

3.        Can't
You can't be loud in the Library. >> You permitted to be loud in the Library.
We can't be noisy in the Museum. >> We permitted to be noisy in the Museum.
We can't sleep in the Park. >> We permitted to sleep in the Park.
We can't dump in Restaurant. >> We permitted to dump in Restaurant.
We can't throw away trash in the Mall. >> We permitted to throw away trash in the Mall.

4.        Shouldn't
you shouldn't eat in the Library.
We shouldn't sleep at the Museum.
We shouldn't  dirt Park.
We shouldn't make noise in the Restaurant.
We shouldn't burn the Mall.

Minggu, 11 Mei 2014

Slow and steady choices build a credit score

Driving back from the grocery store the other day, I spotted one of those clear-up-your-credit-score-quick signs that dot the corners of major roads.
As eye catching as the brightly colored signs are, of course, grabbing financial advice off the street is one way to pay high fees for something you can find for free. Or you might pay outlandish sums for services that you can do yourself.
The good news for consumers is that extra help regarding credit scores and credit reports is now available from a variety of sources. Unfortunately, many consumers still aren't sure where to look or they don't want to be bothered.
More than half of consumers surveyed — 58% — didn't even know their credit score, according to a report the American Bankers Association released last fall.
Many times, consumers start caring about a score when a lender tells us that we don't qualify for a low rate on a major loan because of a low score. Unlike what signs on the road imply, there isn't a quick fix for boosting a credit score. But educational information can offer a realistic plan of attack.
"Everybody wants the 'What Next?' button," said Ian Cohen, CEO of Credit.com.
So Credit.com has new "personalized action plans" to help consumers figure out what they can do to raise their credit scores. One strategy? Start paying more than the minimum required payment on credit cards to lead to lower balances and possibly raise the score.
Detroit-based Quizzle.com, a provider of free credit reports and scores, offers free tools that used to be part of a premium package. No purchase or credit card is required.
"We provide credit comparison, credit trending, a score analysis, and a credit time line that shows how your personal credit was built over time," said Todd Albery, CEO of Quizzle.
In January, Quizzle started a partnership with Equifax, Vantage Score andReasonCode.org. Now, Quizzle offers a completely free credit report from Equifax and a Vantage 3.0 Credit Score.
"A score alone does not give consumers a full understanding of their credit health," Albery said. And that's where online advice can help.
Albery compares seeing one's credit score to being in high school and finding out you got a 76% on a geometry test. But what if you never saw what questions you got wrong on the actual test? How would you find ways to improve?
Finding out your credit score wasn't always as easy or simply as free as seeing a grade on a test. Now, though, some consumers are finding access to free credit scores via their credit card statements and online accounts, too.
Discover rolled out free, three-digit FICO scores on monthly statements for its card members after a test run last year. Barclays is offering free FICO scores to its cardholders, too, via their online accounts.
The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is turning up the heat on card issuers to release more credit score information.
The push for free credit scores is leading some online outfits to boost their offerings, as well.
Cohen, of Credit.com, said the goal of the personal action plan is to help consumers solve real problems by learning strategies in as few clicks as possible.
Cohen walked me through the new program online and showed how a consumer can easily slide gadgets on the computer screen to figure out what's driving down their score. Is it their payment history? High debt? Mix of accounts?
"It's enough to get people to act," Cohen said.
Sometimes, the strategy could involve taking steps to pay down more credit card debt and other debt to drive up the score.
Take a consumer who owes $2,562 on their credit card bills. It might not seem like a horrible amount of credit card debt. But if the credit limits on those cards is around $6,000 all that debt is driving down the score. The consumer in this example is using nearly 43% of their available credit — when a better score could be reached if one used only 10% of available credit.
Paying an extra $175 to $300 a month toward that credit card balance could drive up some scores 20 points to 35 points soon.
Other consumers could end up being warned that they don't want to apply for more credit right now. They might want an on-the-spot discount in a store but they could be driving up the cost of their overall borrowing on other loans because they've applied for too much credit lately.
Driving a credit score higher, of course, can lead to lower interest rates when one does take out a loan and then push down the cost of borrowing over the long run.
Credit.com notes that even a so-so credit score can cost some consumers more than $103,000 in extra financing costs over a lifetime.
"The data we pull on you is all yours. Here take it," Cohen said.

Opinion reader :

source of article : 

Minggu, 27 April 2014

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Bagian I
In the following sentences supply the articles (a, an or the) if they are necessary. if no article is necessary, write Ø.
1.        Jason's father bought him a bicycle that he had wanted for his birthday
2.        The Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from Ø Franceto Ø United States.
3.        Rita is studying Ø English and Ø math this semester.
4.        Please give me a cup of Ø coffe with Ø cream and Ø sugar.
5.        The big books on the table are for my history class.
6.        When you go to the store, please buy a bottle of Ø chocolate milk and a dozen oranges.
7.        What did you eat for Ø breakfast this morning?
8.        Rita plays a violin and her sister plays a guitas.
9.        While we were in Ø alaska, we saw an eskimo village.
10.    The chair that you arw sitting is broken.

Bagian II
Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of other
1.            This pen isn't working. Please give me another pen
2.            If you're still thirsty. I'll make another pot of coffee.
3.            This dictionary has a page missing. Please give me another dictionary.
4.            He doesn't need those books. He needs the other books/other boo
5.    There re thirty people in the room. Twenty are form Latin America and  the other re from other countires.
6.      Six people are in the store. Two were buying meat. another was looking at magazines. another was eating a candy bar. ____ were walking around looking dor more food.
7.            This glass of milk is sour. another glass of milk is sour too.
8.    The army was practicing its drills. Ine group was doing artillery practice. another was marching; another was at attention; and another was practicing combat tactics.
9.   There are seven students from Japan. other students are from Iran, and other are from other places.
10.    We looked at cars today. They first two we far too expensive, but the other  ones were reasonably priced.

Kamis, 24 April 2014

BI Dorong Kerja Sama Bank Syariah dan Lembaga Keuangan Mikro

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA -- Bank Indonesia (BI) mendorong bank-bank syariah melakukan kerja sama atau program linkage dengan lembaga keuangan mikro syariah seperti Baitul Maal wa Tamwiil (BMT) dan koperasi jasa keuangan syariah.
Kepentingan membangun kerja sama antara bank syariah dengan lembaga keuangan mikro syariah bersifat mutual benefit atau timbal balik dan bertujuan mengembangkan Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM).

Untuk mendukung kemitraan ini, BI sejak 2011 melakukan pemetaan BMT dan koperasi syariah, mengidentifikasi kunci sukses dan bentuk pola kemitraan terbaik antara bank syariah dengan lembaga keuangan mikro syariah. 
Deputi Gubernur BI, Halim Alamsyah mengatakan masih banyak masyarakat yang belum terlayani jasa keuangan, padahal potensi UMKM sangat besar.
"Berbagai kebijakan dan inistiatif pengembangan koperasi dan lembaga keuangan mikro termasuk yang berpola syariah penting menjadi prioritas pembangunan ke depan," ujarnya dalam siaran pers yang diterimaRepublika, Senin (17/6).

Menurut dia, urgensi keberadaan industri keuangan mikro bagi sektor usaha mikro-kecil nasional disadari betul pemerintah. Banyak upaya penguatan industri keuangan mikro yang telah dan terus dilakukan.
Antara lain adalah penguatan landasan hukum keuangan mikro dengan penerbitan UU No 17 tahun 2012 tentang Perkoperasian dan UU No 1 tahun 2013 tentang Lembaga Keuangan Mikro.
"Dua UU ini diharapkan dapat mendorong industri keuangan mikro yang di dalamnya terdapat berbagai bentuk lembaga keuangan dalam memberikan pelayanan bagi usaha mikro-kecil," katanya.

Pada sisi lain, kepastian hukum bagi lembaga keuangan sektor mikro-kecil akan memudahkan lembaga dalam melakukan kerja sama dengan institusi lain seperti melakukan kemitraan dengan bank syariah.
Halim mengatakan kedua UU tersebut memberikan banyak tugas bagi otoritas dan stakeholders perkoperasian dan keuangan mikro untuk dilaksanakan.

Selain itu, terdapat sejumlah isu seperti pemilahan kewenangan dan tanggung jawab lembaga-lembaga pemerintah dalam pembinaan, pengaturan dan pengawasan lembaga keuangan mikro. 
Khusus bagi lembaga keuangan mikro syariah dengan format BMT, terdapat isu penting mengenai kejelasan posisi BMT dalam kedua UU tersebut. BMT secara eksplisit tertulis sebagai lembaga keuangan mikro yang akan diawasi OJK dalam UU LKM.
Namun pada realitasnya banyak BMT beroperasi dengan badan hukum koperasi juga menjadi objek yang diatur UU Perkoperasian dengan mengelompokan lembaga tersebut sebagai Koperasi Simpan Pinjam (KSP) berdasarkan prinsip ekonomi syariah.
BI berharap ke depannya lembaga keuangan mikro syariah dapat meningkatkan kemitraan dan aliansi strategis dengan lembaga keuangan syariah lainnya, termasuk bank syariah sehingga mampu melayani sektor usaha mikro-kecil secara maksimal.

Pendapat Pembaca :
Menurut saya mengenai Bank Indonesia kerjasama dengan bank syariah dan lembaga keuangan mikro sangat baik bagi Indonesia yang berpotensi UMKM yang sangat besar dapat membantu masyarakat dalam jasa keuangan. Dalam hal ini pemerintah juga berperan dalam penerbitan undang-undang tentang perkoperasian dan lembaga keuangan mikro pada 3 tahun terakhir ini. Dalam hal banyak semua pihak yang berharap akan kemajuan dari lembaga keuangan mikro yang berbasis syariah.

Sumber : http://www.republika.co.id/berita/ekonomi/syariah-ekonomi/13/06/17/mojj14-bi-dorong-kerja-sama-bank-syariah-dan-lembaga-keuangan-mikro

Minggu, 06 April 2014

AirAsia withdraws offending inflight magazine

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Southeast Asia's top budget carrier AirAsia on Saturday withdrew its latest inflight magazine and apologized for an offending article boasting that its well-trained pilots would never lose a plane.
AirAsia Executive Chairman Kamarudin Meranun expressed "deep regret and remorse," saying the latest issue of travel 3Sixtymagazine was printed before the Malaysia Airlines plane carrying 239 people disappeared March 8 while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing.
Kamarudin said the article was a monthly aviation column prepared well in advance by a retired pilot, who had worked for both AirAsia and Malaysia Airlines.
"This is a truly difficult time for the nation and words cannot describe how I personally feel of this incident," Kamarudin said in a statement. "It truly saddens me that this article was released at such an inopportune moment. Again, I repeatedly offer my sincere apologies for any discomfort this may have caused."
The article sparked anger on social media after an AirAsia passenger posted a photograph of the text on Twitter late Friday.
The last paragraph read: "Pilot training in AirAsia is continuous and very thorough. Rest assured that your captain is well prepared to ensure your plane will never get lost."
AirAsia group CEO Tony Fernandes also echoed the apology.
"As soon as we were informed on Twitter, we withdrew. Once again, apologies. It has been a difficult time for all in the industry," he tweeted.
Kamarudin said disciplinary action would be taken against the magazine's editorial team.
The fate of the Malaysian airline remained a mystery nearly a month after it vanished. A multinational search team is racing against time to find the flight recorders in the Indian Ocean where it was believed to have crashed. No floating wreckage has been found in the water so far.
It wasn't the first faux pas for AirAsia.
On the day the plane went missing, Fernandes said on Twitter that the aircraft's radio had failed and that all were safe, but later deleted the tweet.

Reader's Opinion :
Mega Brilianingrum

First of all, I’m sending my deep condolences for the victims’ family. May Allah bless them.
The topic which has been brought in the magazine became such a sensitive topic because it says that “well-trained pilots would never lose a plane”. And the fact that MH370 is driven by a well-trained pilot yet the plane is nowhere to be found.
People made such a big fuss about the article but apparently the article was printed before the Malaysia Airlines disappeared. Did the writer have expected the bad stuffs about Malaysia Airlines to happen and wrote the article to offend Malaysia Airlines party? Nope, right.  Let’s think about it again, even thought the pilot is well-trained, but human error issues can never be avoided anyways.
The fate of Malaysia Airlines remains a mystery ever since a month ago. Let’s hope that miracle would happen.

Source of article : 

Manajemen Rantai Pasok Tebu di Indonesia (Bagian I)

29 Juli 2013

Manajemen Rantai Pasok (supply chain management) adalah rencana, implementasi, koordinasi dan pengendalian terintegrasi dari keseluruhan proses dan aktivitas bisnis yang diperlukan untuk memroduksi, mengantarkan produk seefisien mungkin dan memenuhi kebutuhan pasar. Proses bisnis sendiri adalah suatu set aktivitas yang dirancang terstruktur dan terukur untuk menghasilkan suatu output khusus untuk pasar pelanggan tertentu. Proses bisnis berkaitan dengan manajemen pengembangan produk baru, pemasaran, pendanaan dan hubungan dengan pelanggan.
Analisis rantai pasok secara ideal harus dievaluasi dalam konteks jejaring kerja rantai pangan. Karakteristik jejaring kerja rantai pangan terbagi dua, meliputi rantai agrifood untuk produk segar dan rantai agrifood untuk produk pangan. Pada rantai kedua, produk pertanian digunakan sebagai bahan mentah untuk menghasilkan produk yang dibutuhkan konsumen dengan nilai tambah tinggi. Umumnya, proses pengolahan akan memperpanjang shelf-life produk. Pada konteks ini, manajemen rantai pasok tebu masuk dalam rantai agrifood untuk produk pangan.
Selayang Pandang Produksi Tebu
Gula adalah satu dari sembilan bahan pokok di Indonesia. Dengan demikian, industri tebu dikatakan sebagai elemen penting untuk menggerakkan ekonomi nasional. Industri tebu melibatkan sekitar sejuta petani tebu dan jutaan orang (sopir truk tebu, pabrik gula, karyawan produsen alat mesin pertanian) dan sektor pendukung lainnya (industri makanan dan minuman, industri kemasan dan lain-lain). Industri tebu adalah satu dari kekuatan ekonomi perdesaan harus didorong agar dapat memberikan multiplier effect optimal. Dampak sosial-ekonomi, khususnya pada lingkungan perdesaan dapat menjadi pilar sistem mutu pada budidaya tebu.
Industri gula saat ini didukung oleh 62 pabrik gula (PG) yang terdiri dari 51 PG BUMN dan 12 PG swasta. Konsumsi gula nasional untuk tahun 2014 adalah 5,7 juta ton yang terdiri dari 2,95 juta ton GKP (gula kristal putih) dan 2,75 juta ton GKR (gula kristal rafinasi. Dengan kapasitas giling 62 PG sekitar 205.000 TCD (ton cane per day), seharusnya PG-PG di Indonesia dapat memroduksi 3-3,5 juta ton gula per tahun (PTPN X. 2013).
Dewasa ini, tidak terpenuhinya produksi gula untuk memenuhi konsumsi nasional disebabkan oleh beragam masalah dan kelemahan yang terjadi di lapangan baik dari sisi manajemen on farm dan off farm. Permasalahan yang terjadi di sektor on farm akan berdampak pada sektor off farm dan sebaliknya. Sejak tahun 2009 hingga tahun 2013F (forecasting-red), pemenuhan konsumsi gula nasional oleh PG hanya bergerak pada interval 48-56%. Artinya, program swasembada gula tahun 2014 yang diisukan sejak lima tahun silam terancam gagal jika tidak ada inovasi dan terobosan dari para pemangku kepentingan industri tebu.
Parameter Tebu: Persyaratan Tebu Sebagai Bahan Baku untuk Menghasilkan GKP
Untuk bertransformasi menjadi GKP kualitas tinggi, tebu harus melewati proses produksi gula yang rumit. Dalam PG, terjadi beberapa tahap proses yang lama dan melibatkan fenomena ekstraksi, reaksi kimia, pemisahan, penguapan, kristalisasi, pengeringan dan pendinginan. Maka dari itu, tebu sebagai bahan baku dalam industri gula harus memenuhi standard mutu tebu yang disebut MBS (manis, bersih, segar).
Produktifitas gula dapat dicapai dengan menyiapkan bibit tebu yang murni, sehat (bebas pestisida), dan produktif (viabilitasnya tinggi). Ada dua cara untuk pembibitan tebu, yaitu cara konvensional dan kultur jaringan. Pembibitan konvensional biasanya diambil dari bibit tebu berumur enam hingga tujuh bulan. Pembibitan konvensional tidak bebas dari pestisida dan penyakit karena proses produksinya dilakukan di lahan. Hal ini berbanding terbalik dengan pembibitan dengan menggunakan kultur jaringan. Sehingga, pembibitan dengan kultur jaringan lebih direkomendasikan untuk meningkatkan produktifitas gula. (OPI_Sekper)
Dirangkum dari paper Sugarcane Supply Chain Management in Indonesia yang dipresentasikan dalam International Workshop on Agri-Supply Chain Management, Surabaya, 1 Juli 2013

Pendapat Pembaca:

Sumber: http://www.bumn.go.id/ptpn10/publikasi/berita/manajemen-rantai-pasok-tebu-di-indonesia-bagian-i/

Selama Kampanye, Traffic Data Telkomsel Naik 20 Persen

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – Salah satu anak perusahaan PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom), Telkomsel, mendapatkan keuntungan dari masa kampanye tahun 2014. Hal ini seiring dengan kenaikan lalu lintas data pemakaiaan telkomsel hingga 20 persen. 

“Di beberapa kota kalau kampanyenya besar, traffic data kita naik 20 persen, daerah yang ramai-ramai ya kota-kota besar, ada yang naik sampai 20 persen, itu sejak masa kampanye,” ujar Alex Sinaga, Direktur Utama Telkomsel di Jakarta, Jumat  (4/4/2014) malam. 

Oleh karena itu, sebut dia, hal tersebut menjadi salah satu faktor pemasukan untuk mencapai target double digit growth pada tahun 2014 ini. “Jadi kita sudah menghitung salah satu yang kita bisa hitung dari aktifitas masyarakat untuk dapat revenue 10 persen itu salah satunya karena itu. Tahun 2009 sama begitu juga,” katanya.

Sebelumnya, pada tahun 2013 Telkomsel mencatat pertumbuhan pendapatan, EBITDA dan laba berseih masing-masing sebesar 10 persen. Total pendapatan Telkomsel mencapai Rp 60 triliun, EBITDA Rp 33,9 triliun, dan membukukan laba besih sebesar Rp 17,3 triliun. 

Telkomsel merupakan salah satu konributor pendapatan utama Telkom Group. Jumlah pelanggannya tumbuh 5,1 persen yang terdiri dari pelanggan seluler 131, 5 juta, pelanggan mobile broadband (Flash) 17, 3 juta, dan pelanggan Blackberry 7,6 juta. 

Telkomsel juga memiliki Base Transceiver Station (BTS) 69.034 unit dan sebanyak 27.034 unit diantaranya merupakan BTS 3G.

Pendapat Pembaca :
Menurut saya memang pada tahun 2014 ini dapat dikatakan sebagai tahun politik yang berarti banyak beberapa perusahaan yang mendapat keuntungan yang cukup meningkat pada tahun politik ini. Salah satunya adalah PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Telkom) yang mendapat keuntungan sekitar 20% dengan tingkat yang tidak sedikit ini membuat pemasukan Telkom ingin mencapai target double digit growth. Tidak hanya itu bahkan Telkomsel menjadi salah satu kontributor pendapatan utama di Telkom Group.

Sumber : 

Indomie Tembus Pasar Kazakhstan

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Penandatanganan kerja sama antara perusahaan bisnis asal Kazakhstan Interex Group dan PT Indofood CBP Sukses Makmur Tbk yang dilakukan di Kazakhstan baru-baru ini menjadikan produk mi instan bakal resmi masuk pasar Kazakhstan.

Adapun besar dan banyaknya kebutuhan Indomie di negeri Kazakhstan, menurut General Manager Corporate Communication PT Indofood Sukses Makmur Tbk Stefanus Indrayana, saat ini masih dalam tahap penjajakan. Namun menurutnya, pasar di negeri tersebut cukup besar.

Dari laporan tahun 2011, kapasitas produksi mi instan ini berhasil mencapai belasan miliar bungkus per tahun. Hal tersebut menempatkan Indofood sebagai produsen mi instan terbesar di dunia. Dari total kapasitas tersebut, sebanyak 11 miliar bungkus adalah produk Indomie. Dari jumlah itu, sebanyak 880 juta bungkus diekspor.

Khusus untuk mi instan, penambahan telah dilakukan terhadap kapasitas produk dari pabrik yang ada di Jakarta, Palembang, dan Semarang. Dengan demikian, kapasitas mi akan didongkrak 13 persen dari sekarang 15,7 miliar bungkus per tahun.

Menurut Direktur PT Indofood Sukses Makmur, Franciscus Welirang, beberapa waktu lalu, Indomie sudah diekspor ke 80 negara di lima benua selama lebih dari 20 tahun. Indomie bukan hanya dikenal di negara tetangga dekat di Asia, seperti Singapura, Malaysia, Brunei, Hongkong, hingga Taiwan. Namun, Indomie sudah terbang jauh ribuan kilometer mulai dari wilayah Eropa, Timur Tengah, Afrika, hingga benua Amerika.

Untuk memenuhi permintaan di berbagai belahan dunia tersebut, Indofood tidak sekadar mendatangkan Indomie dari Indonesia. Namun, perusahaan yang dirintis oleh taipan Soedono Salim ini juga membangun pabrik di sejumlah negara lain. Misalnya di Malaysia, Indofood mempunyai perusahaan Indofood (M) Food Industries Sdn Bhd yang khusus memproduksi mi instan di Malaysia.

Untuk wilayah Timur Tengah dan Afrika, Indofood menjalin kontrak perjanjian dengan berbagai perusahaan di sana untuk memproduksi Indomie. Misalnya saja dengan Pinehill Arabia Food Limited (Pinehill) di Arab Arabia, De United Food Industries Limited (Duhill) di Nigeria, Salim Wazaran Brinjikji Company (Sawab) di Syria, dan Salim Wazaran Abu Elata Co (Sawata) di Mesir. (Budi Prasetyo)

Pendapat Pembaca :
Menurut saya dengan penandatanganan kerjasama antara perusahaan di Kazakhstan dan PT Indofood membuat PT Indofood dapat melebarkan sayapnya ke dunia Internasional, bahkan dari laporan tahun 2011 lalu, kapasitas produksi mie instan ini berhasil mencapai belasan milliar bungkus per tahun, dari total tersebut terdapat 11 milliar bungkus adalah produk Indomie. Tidak hanya negara Kazakhstan, PT Indofood juga sudah mengekspor ke 80 negara seperti: Singapira, Malaysia, Brunei, Hongkong, Taiwan, Eropa, Timur Tengah, Afrika, hingga benua Amerika. Ini dapat dikatakan PT Indofood menyebarkan kuliner khas Indonesia melalui produk Indomie karena dalam produk tersebut tersedia berbagai rasa khas Indonesia.

Sumber :

Rabu, 26 Maret 2014

Financial scars linger: 1/3 of investors wary of stocks

NEW YORK — The psychological scars of the financial crisis have yet to wear off, according to a survey by Wells Fargo Private Bank that found that one-third of investors are still wary of putting money in the stock market five years after the depths of the bear market.
One-third of the 500 affluent investors that responded to the just-released survey conducted in early February said the 2008-09 financial crisis "is still a factor in how much stock they are willing to own," the survey found.
Other findings that show that investors' risk-aversion is still high five years after the worst stock market plunge since the Great Depression and despite market gains of nearly 180% for the Standard & Poor's 500 stock index:
·       More stock-free portfolios. Of those that remain wary of stocks, and who suffer from a "hangover" effect, 21% don't plan to invest in stocks at all.
"Despite the stock market reaching record highs this year, 21% of the respondents who remain wary of the market said nothing would get them to add more stocks to their portfolio," said Dean Junkans, chief investment officer for Wells Fargo Private Bank.
·      More conservative holdings. 87% of the wealthy investors, despite longer life spans today, said they are "either more conservative or have not made any changes" to their asset mix.
·      More focus on risk. Nearly half of the respondents, or 47%, said the most important factor in making investment decisions is "risk tolerance." Translation: many investors are still afraid of losing money in the stock market.
The takeaway: "Investors' confidence needs to be rooted in a conviction that they're taking appropriate risks to meet their long-term goals," says Junkans. "Without that conviction, emotional investing and reacting to daily news are a road to failure."
TNS, a consulting firm, conducted the firm for Wells Fargo Private Bank.

Reader's opinions : 
Mega Brilianingrum

Despite the fact that the psychological scars of the financial crisis have yet to wear off, the stock market need to reassure the investors who don’t plan to invest in stocks at all to keep investing. Because the most important factor in making investment decisions is “risk tolerance”. The risk is haunting everyone in investment industry. Even the wealthy investors might get the risk as well. But keep holing on their commitment which is saying “either more conservative or have not made any changes” to asset their mix.
And apparently there are many investors who are still afraid of losing their money, it looks like they are not ready yet to run into the investment & stocks market. Because actually investors’ confidence is needed and it contains appropriate risks to meet their long-term goals. Without that conviction, investing and reacting to daily news are a road to failure. 

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Will this company soon be Buffett's biggest holding?

Believe it or not, Bank of America (ticker: BAC ) could soon become the single largest holding of Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway (BRK-A ) . Shocking, I know, but the math is really quite simple.
Two and a half years ago, Buffett invested $5 billion in Bank of America. In exchange, Berkshire received a corresponding amount of preferred stock that pays a 6% dividend, and warrants to buy 700 million shares of the bank's common stock at an exercise price of $7.14 per share. The warrants expire in September of 2021.
At today's price of roughly $17.90, Berkshire has already more than doubled its initial investment -- and that excludes the preferred stake. The common-stock position has been so lucrative, in fact, that it's become, in effect, Berkshire's fifth largest equity holding.
So, here's the question: What will it take for Bank of America to supplant Wells Fargo (WFC ) at the top of Berkshire Hathaway's portfolio? And the answer is: Not as much as you might think.
Berkshire currently owns a little over 490 million shares of Wells Fargo valued at approximately $24 billion. Meanwhile, Berkshire's combined stake in Bank of America is worth a little more than $17.5 billion -- $5 billion for the preferred stock and $12.5 billion for the current value of the warrants.
Because the value of the preferred stake is essentially fixed, this means that the value of Berkshire's warrants will have to appreciate by around $6.5 billion. While that sounds like a lot, it isn't a considerable as you might think.
For this to happen, Bank of America's shares would need to increase by about $9.30 each. To be clear, that's no small accomplishment given that they've already climbed by 80% over the last two years. Additionally, there's every reason to believe that Wells Fargo's shares will continue to appreciate as well.
But Wells Fargo's stock trades for 1.62 times book value while the multiple on Bank of America's stock is 0.84 times book. To become Berkshire's largest holding, in turn, all Bank of America would need to do is close this gap by a little more than half.
Is that possible? Absolutely.
Once Bank of America puts the remainder of its financial crisis liabilities behind it (which could happen this year), it isn't unreasonable to think that the market will value its shares at more than one times book. And from there, it's only a hop, skip, and a jump to the 1.3 multiple that Bank of America needs to become, at least by holding size, Buffett's favorite bank.
The Motley Fool is a USA TODAY content partner offering financial news, analysis and commentary designed to help people take control of their financial lives. Its content is produced independently of USA TODAY.

Opinion reader :
 Apparently Buffett’s investment has gone beyond expectations. No one was expecting that Buffett’s investment would be that profitable. The fact that Berkshire has already more than doubled its initial investment has answered everything. The common-stock position has been so lucrative, in fact, that it's become, in effect, Berkshire's fifth largest equity holding. Isn’t that beyond your expectation?
And here popped up a question : What will it take for Bank of America to supplant Wells Fargo at the top of Berkshire Hathaway's portfolio? And the answer is: Not as much as you might think.
Berkshire currently owns a little over 490 million shares of Wells Fargo valued at approximately $24 billion. Meanwhile, Berkshire's combined stake in Bank of America is worth a little more than $17.5 billion -- $5 billion for the preferred stock and $12.5 billion for the current value of the warrants.

Bank of America needs to work harder to become Berkshire's largest holding, in turn, all Bank of America would need to do is close this gap by a little more than half. Is that even possible? The answer is just a simply yes. 

source of article : http://www.usatoday.com/story/money/markets/2014/03/26/bank-of-america-and-buffett/6879599/

Pemilu 2014, Kesempatan Kalangan Muda Pimpin Negara

JAKARTA — Dalam paparannya pada acara diskusi bertema "Mencari pemimpin muda berkualitas" yang diselenggarakan Habibie Center di Jakarta, Rabu (26/3), Anies Baswedan  mengatakan sudah saatnya calon pemimpin di Indonesia berasal dari kalangan muda agar pemerintahan di Indonesia berjalan dinamis.

“Menurut saya dibutuhkan Indonesia hari ini adalah sesuatu yang baru, berbeda dari yang sebelumnya, memang baru itu biasa diasosiasikan dengan muda, anak muda memang tak bisa menceritakan masa lalu karena pengalamannya minim, tapi anak muda bisa menawarkan masa depan dan yang dibutuhkan republik ini bukan cerita masa lalu, yang dibutuhkan justru adalah menjawab masa depan,” kata Anies Baswedan.

Peserta lain konvensi capres Partai Demokrat, Dino Patti Djalal berpendapat, kondisi Indonesia masa mendatang tidak lagi menghadapi persoalan-persoalan terkait ekonomi seperti krisis ekonomi atau krismon, melainkan kemampuan menunjukkan berbagai potensi.

“Presiden 2014 tidak lagi mengejar angka-angka krismon karena angka-angka krismon itu sudah terlewati oleh kita sekarang, sudah terkejar, tapi yang dikejar adalah angka-angka  yang mencerminkan potensi Indonesia,” ungkap Dino Patti Djalal.

"Ini harus bisa dimanfaatkan oleh kita semua untuk mempengaruhi peta geopolitik dunia, apakah itu terkait nasib seorang TKI, apakah itu terkait nasib Palestina, ataupun laut Cina Selatan, apapun even-even politik atau geopolitik dunia agar relevansi Indonesia sangat  bisa dirasakan dan diperhitungkan oleh komunitas dunia,” lanjutnya.

Pada kesempatan sama, mantan Presiden BJ. Habibie menegaskan sangat mendukung semangat  dan program yang ditawarkan para calon pemipin berasal dari kalangan muda.

“Presiden yang akan datang harus berusia antara 40 dan 60 tahun, dia harus bisa menyelesaikan masalah-masalah secara tuntas dan sebagai orang tua, saya salah kalau tidak memberikan toleransi dan kesempatan kepada yang muda berkembang, dan yang muda yang berkembang itu harus lebih baik dari generasi dari sebelumnya," kata mantan Presiden BJ Habibie.

"Menilai seorang pemimpin bukan apa yang telah dia hasilkan, jejak-jejaknya, tetapi apakah dia berhasil manusia-manusia yang dia pimpin lebih baik dari dirinya, kalau lebih baik is a good leader, kalau sama saja sangat malu,” lanjutnya.

BJ Habibie juga berharap para senior yang menjabat sebagai anggota DPR dan dalam pemerintahan saat ini memberi kesempatan bahkan mendukung kalangan muda untuk berkarya.

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Sumber : http://www.voaindonesia.com/content/pemilu-2014-kesempatan-kalangan-muda-pimpin-negara/1879552.html